
Here we will provide information about recent and forthcoming events, as well as articles which we believe will be of interest.

Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday 22 May at La Zenia Hotel.  At the meeting Jackie Baker was elected as the new President and Rachel Broadhead as the new Vice President.

Arch opening hours

With the beginning of CEST the weekly open hour at the Blue Lagoon Arch has also leapt forward an hour, and is now open between 16:00 & 17:00.

President and Administrator meeting with the Ayuntamiento

On Friday 15 March, Steven Youngs and Miguel Ángel Diez Pérez held their second meeting of 2024 with Mari Paz Pascual Mañogil – the Councillor for Local Development, Tourism, Agriculture, Integration, Urbanisations and Civil Protection – at the Ayuntamiento to discuss various topics and tasks that need attention on Blue Lagoon.  Simply click any of the titles below to find out more –

Padrón numbers

Padrón numbers have caused a lot of issues with Correos and we have asked for a full list of padrón numbers from the Ayuntamiento so that we can advise those owners who may have an incorrect padrón number. The list was originally asked for at our January meeting, and unfortunately the list has still not been prepared.

We have been told that the padrón department are finalising the correct list of all the padrón numbers for all the properties in Blue Lagoon. We will continue with our request for the full list, and upon receipt advise any owner where there may be a discrepancy.  The padrón number is important, as it is the number used for Correos.

In the meantime, any owner can check their correct padrón number directly with San Miguel Ayuntamiento.  More information is available on the Correos page of the website. Click HERE

Ownership of green areas

There is confusion regarding the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of some particular green areas of Blue Lagoon, and in January we asked for confirmation of which green areas are San Miguel Ayuntamiento responsible for.

At our March meeting it was suggested by the Ayuntamiento architect department that the following green areas are owned, and are the responsibility of, San Miguel –

  1. Plaza Guadalest  Catastral Ubicacion
  2. Parque infantile Calle Jumilla/Jaca Catastral Ubicacion
  3. Calle Igualada/Jaca Catastral Ubicacion
  4. Dos Torres Catastral Ubicacion
  5. Calle Isla Cristina Carastral Ubicacion

We have asked for confirmation of this in writing.

As an additional point, all maintenance in San Miguel is carried out by the same crew, consisting of 4 people. They have a work route, but it changes as emergencies or urgent repairs arise, which means that they cannot guarantee specific dates for the maintenance on Blue Lagoon, as would be desirable.

Street lights

At our January meeting we raised the issue of several non-working street lights, as well as a missing street light in Calle Fuenlabrada.  Street lights seem to be an ongoing problem, but hopefully we are managing to keep on top of things.  Security report any street light that is not working either to the Committee or directly to the Ayuntamiento.  Rather frustratingly, some non-working street lights that were reported to the Ayuntamiento some time ago have only recently been repaired, including those lights in Calle Espronceda, which were out of action while cables were laid to reconnect the power from Orihuela Costa to San Miguel.  We have also been assured that the missing street light in Calle Fuenlabrada will be replaced soon.

If you want to report a light that is not working you can do so by sending a WhatsApp message to Committee Member Jackie Baker (+34 602 48 26 12), or by completing the Contact form.  Please include the plot number, the street name and villa number that the light is outside of.

UPDATE: 15/04/2024 – progress is being made – the missing street light in Calle Fuenlabrada has now been replaced.

New street signs

Some time ago new street signs for most of the streets of Blue Lagoon that are in San Miguel de Salinas were ordered. Some new signs are in place, but there are still some to be positioned.  The President and Administrator were assured that the signs will be in place within the next few weeks.

UPDATE: 06/04/2024 – progress is being made – many of the signs are now in place.

Pot holes

At our January meeting we advised Mari Paz that there are 3 serious holes in the roads on the urbanisation that need repairing.  One is in Jerez de la Frontera ( Ubicacion ) and the other 2 are on Calle Aranjuez at the junctions of Calle Astorga and Calle Altea ( Ubicacion).

We were advised at the March meeting that it is one of the priority works, although the work to be done is greater than initially planned.  The City Council is preparing the necessary machinery and awaiting the availability of the crew.  We will continue to chase up.

UPDATE: 06/04/2024 – progress is being made – the holes on Calle Aranjuez at the junctions of Calle Astorga and Calle Altea have now been filled.


Although the ‘Alleyways’ are currently deemed to be Blue Lagoon property, the President and Administrator believe that they are owned, & therefore the responsibility of, San Miguel. This issue was discussed at length and Mari Paz will speak with the planning department to ascertain the facts.

Repainting of speed humps and road signage

Much of the urbanisation’s signage on the roads is in need of repainting, and at our January meeting we asked what plans are in place to get all speed humps and road signage repainted?

At the March meeting we were advised that the repainting will be starting soon.

'No dumping' signs

There are some areas on the urbanisation that seem to be dumping areas for all types of unsightly rubbish.

In January we asked Mari Paz that if we provided some wording could the Ayuntamiento produce some metal signs that can be screwed to the wall?  We were informed by Mari Paz that the contract for all forms of refuse collection is currently being negotiated and that she would like any new conditions with the new contract resolved before any signs are produced.

At our March meeting we asked again, and were told that negotiations are still ongoing.

Vermin control

We asked at our January meeting when San Miguel Ayuntamiento spray the street drains for rats and cockroaches, and it was indicated by Mari Paz that the drainage is sprayed for cockroaches twice a year, but not for rats. It was clarified at our March meeting that the first treatment occurs between February and April, and the second between July and September.  This year’s first treatment occurred on 27 February 2024.  We asked that we are kept informed of when and what action will be taken BEFORE any works are undertaken, so that owners can be notified.

Also, at the moment, Tarsilo Pest Control spray the drainage in the whole community for rats and cockroaches 3 times per year – January, May and September. This is done at a cost to the Community.

Parkland between Calle Benidorm and Calle Aranjuez

The ownership of the parkland is split between 2 Councils – Orihuela Costa and San Miguel de Salinas.  Orihuela are responsible for the lower part, and San Miguel for the upper part.  The dividing line of ownership is broadly in line with Calle Peñarroya on the south side and Calle Daimiel on the north side – Ubicacion.  Regarding the San Miguel part, for many months we have been requesting that their area is cleared of the many overgrown and dead trees that needed trimming and attention.  Although some of the work had started, at our March meeting we were informed that the gardening crew of the Ayuntamiento are working by zones, and at the time were working on Blue Hill, and then on to Blue Lagoon.

We were also informed that the Ayuntamiento is going to do an inspection of the green areas with a gardening specialist. The proposal is to plant carob trees, which is a tree that adapts very well to the climate of the area. After the inspection, the specialist will send a budget to the Ayuntamiento for it’s study and approval.  We will keep you informed of developments when we are advised.

Sign on parkland

There is an old works sign that was put in place for works that were done several years ago, which we have asked to be removed – Ubicacion – along with an old bus stop sign on the opposite side of the road, which is redundant and can be removed.  At our March meeting we were advised they would be removed soon.

Land in Calle Aranjuez

There is an area of land behind some properties situated in Calle Almonte – Ubicacion – that has recently started to be used as a storage ground for building materials. The site is unsightly, especially to the owners who overlook the site.

The problem was raised at our January meeting, and at the March meeting a Town Hall architect said that he will look into the matter, and ascertain if the land can be used for it’s current purpose.  We have been advised that the current owner cannot use it for storage, as it would be a different use than the one assigned. A request needs to be made to the police, who will make a report, so that the Town Hall can intervene.

The land concerned is not part of Blue Lagoon urbanisation.



Greenlands Adventure Golf ( website ), located between Calle Jabugo and Calle Fiipinas ( Ubicacion ), opened it’s doors in Blue Lagoon on Wednesday 20 March 2024.

The Arch

The Arch has had a lick of paint, with the help of Steven Youngs (the past President) and a few Blue Lagoon property owners.

Thanks go to Eric and Frankie, who volunteered a day to help with the painting, and special thanks to Keith, who volunteered his time and worked with the President over a few weekends to firstly clean and then paint through the sun, wind and rain.  Thanks also to Terry, who helped Steven to paint the grills.

Special thanks also to Carl, for lending us the scaffolding and generator (so we had some power).